God has a specific time for everything created, Humans are given the grace to live through the divine privileges of God. Every soul has an assignment to embark upon immediately after birth, while the assignment will be completed at the appropriate time.
Some Individuals are agent of positive phenomenon, their assignment is to transform lives, exude love with the instinct of togetherness. Those are the embodiment of late M/C Olarewaju, wife to Sup Evang Pius Olarewaju (The Treasurer of the Registered BOT). It is undebatable that the impact of MC Olarewaju will forever be remembered in Celestial Church of Christ. A woman who loved her husband, supported his dreams, stood by him, enlighten him and encouraged him to invest his resources in God's work through the evolution of Christianity.
MC Olarewaju journey started 61 years old; a native of Ikorodu; she was a Muslim by birth; she had the best education impacted on her with the provision of support from her parents. As a lady; she was an example to moral behavioral attitude; she controlled substance of love and respect to humanity.
MC Olarewaju was a Celestian member before her marriage to Alagba Pius, she was a sister to Mama Okiki. Throughout her young life, she was a member of the choir; while she devoted her time to the assignment attached to her. Her marriage to Alagba Pius Olarewaju transformed both lives through divine mercy, she helped Alagba Pius to show the grace of God in all ramification.
On the 5th of March 2023, a Sunday, a day of Service, a day set aside to worship God, on that special day, God decided to take a mother, a wife, a mother who knows the importance of God in her life, a mother who always love to help anybody who comes her way, a mother who understand the systematic operation of God in Celestial Church of Christ.
A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies., It brings us together because a great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together, It was a sudden exodus of a pillar; we do not have the justification to challenge God. It is a fact that M/C Olarewaju is presently on the right shoulder of God with the host of angels. MC Olarewaju will be missed forever.